The Domestic Violence Diversion Program, which targets domestic violence, or violence between intimate partners. Selected defendants charged with family violence in Tarrant County are placed into the pre-trial diversion court which monitors the defendant's progress in a non-adversarial manner, and is in lieu of traditional case processing. Defendants are selected for program participation after undergoing a comprehensive screening and assessment process and meeting the following eligibility criteria:
- partner-on-partner violence,
- no current or prior violations of protective orders,
- no stalking activity,
- no open warrants,
- no other pending charges,
- no prior history of diversion,
- commitment to completing a prescribed program and
- consent of victim for offender participation.
This court is unique because it combines the judicial function with case management, victim assistance and an assessment process. The project includes services specifically dedicated to preventing, identifying and responding to violent crimes as they relate to domestic violence.