401 W. Belknap
Fort Worth, Texas 76196
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fax # 817-850-2301
About Jury Services

Welcome to Tarrant County Jury Services.
We are excited about our online services, which help make your jury service more convenient. The eResponse system allows jurors to submit exemptions, disqualifications, reschedule your jury date or confirm your service for an online court assignment. Our pledge to you is to make your jury service as efficient as possible and take no more of your valuable time than absolutely necessary to serve our courts.
This website is designed to help answer questions that jurors typically ask regarding Tarrant County Jury Services. Once you are assigned to a court, the judge will instruct you about the law that applies to the case you will hear. This website is not a substitute for the judge’s instruction -- it is provided to help you understand the jury service procedure in Tarrant County.