Justice and Safety
Ensuring justice and safety in Precinct 2 is a top priority for Commissioner Alisa Simmons and one that requires a multifaceted approach that emphasizes humanity and rehabilitation. To reduce the Tarrant County jail population, we need restorative justice initiatives for non-violent offenders. Additionally, expanding access to mental health and substance abuse treatment from programs such as MHMR can address underlying issues that contribute to criminal behavior. By prioritizing these measures, we aim to create a system that enhances public safety and reduces recidivism, ultimately fostering a stronger and safer community.
In Precinct 2, ensuring that every resident has access to quality care is a top priority. We work to expand community access to health clinics and mobile health services to reach underserved areas, ensuring that all residents, regardless of income or insurance status, can receive necessary medical attention. By partnering with local organizations and utilizing innovative telehealth solutions, we aim to eliminate barriers to health care access, improve health outcomes, and promote a healthier, more resilient community for everyone.
Maintaining safe and reliable roads and bridges is crucial for the well-being and economic vitality of our community. We prioritize the inspection, maintenance, and timely repair of existing infrastructure to ensure it meets the highest safety standards. Additionally, investing in modernization projects and leveraging advanced technologies will help improve traffic flow and reduce congestion. By committing to these efforts, we aim to create a transportation network that is not only safe and efficient but also supports sustainable growth and enhances the quality of life for all residents.