Tarrant County Public Health Reports Five COVID-19 Deaths
Brian Murnahan
Public Information Officer
Tarrant County PubliHealth

Tarrant County Public Health Reports Five COVID-19 Deaths
Nov. 24, 2020 (Tarrant County) - Tarrant County Public Health today reports five COVID-19 deaths. The deceased include a woman from Fort Worth in her 80s, a man from Sansom Park in his 70s, a woman from Fort Worth in her 70s, a woman from Fort Worth in her 50s, and an man from Fort Worth in his 40s. All had underlying health conditions.
Tarrant County now has 835 confirmed deaths from the COVID-19 virus and 66,942 people have recovered.
COVID-19 causes respiratory illness with cough, fever and shortness of breath and may lead to bronchitis and severe pneumonia. For more information go to coronavirus.tarrantcounty.com [outdated link] or call the Tarrant County Public Health information line, 817-248-6299, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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News release date: November 24, 2020