Tarrant County Emergency Services District NO.1

Tarrant County, On Behalf of the Tarrant County Emergency Services District No.1, adopted a Tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year's tax rate.
The Tarrant County Emergency Services District No. 1 (TCESD No. 1) which was previously known as Tarrant County Rural Fire Prevention District was formed in 1996. The TCESD No. 1 is responsible for providing fire and EMS ambulance services to the approximately 50,000 residents of the unincorporated areas of the county, which consists of approximately 183 square miles.
TCESD No. 1 contracts with 17 fire departments for fire, mutual aid, and first responder coverage with 12 of those departments providing EMS ambulance response as well. Seven additional fire departments have mutual aid agreements to assist on fire responses in the unincorporated areas of the County.
The Tarrant County Fire Marshal’s Office serves as the liaison between the TCESD No. 1 and the 25 fire departments that contract for fire and EMS coverage in the unincorporated areas of Tarrant County. The Fire Marshal also ensures that current information is listed in the Tarrant County 9-1-1 District system for proper notification to first responders.
Please use the Link below to visit the Tarrant County Emergency Services District No. 1 Webpage for additional information.