Personal Preparedness
Everyone should take proactive measures to prepare themselves and their family members for potential emergencies. Being prepared for an emergency or disaster can reduce fear, anxiety, and also help you and your family better respond to and recover from a disaster or emergency. While there are many things you can do to increase individual preparedness, the completing the steps below will provide a basic preparedness foundation that will cover most disasters and to be informed, make a plan and build a kit.
Are you #TexasReady?
- Be informed
- Make a plan
- Build a kit

Disaster Preparedness for Kids
- Learn how to plan with kids
- Listen to stories of Iktomi
- Find activities for kids

Disaster Preparedness for People with Special Needs
- Complete an emergency contact list
- Collect emergency documents
- Consider various sheltering options

PHEP Speaker Request
Tarrant County Public Health – Health Protection and Response can present to your organization or group on a variety of topics. You can request a speaker by downloading the Speaker Request Form and sending it to our email or mailing it to Tarrant County Public Health, 1101 South Main Street, Suite 2603, Fort Worth, Texas 76104 - Attention: Public Health Preparedness.
Other Resources