Tarrant County Historical Commission Image Gallery
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Image Gallery

Daggett House, June 1890 (090-094-001)

Five Years Progress scan

Laura Palmer Daggett (090-094-001)

Samuels Avenue Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

W.S. Matney Taylor, 212 Main Street, Fort Worth, 1896 (090-099-001)

E.M. Daggett Home (090-094-001)

Ridglea Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Tarrant County Courthouse (096-069-001)

Will Lake and family (090-094-001)

Montgomery Ward, W 7th Street (007-087-015)

Helen Daggett Moorman McKee Home (090-094-001)

Sunset Terrace, Ridglea Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Sunset Terrace, Ridglea Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

First telephone office in Fort Worth

Captain E,M. Daggett (090-094-001)

Holy Name Catholic Church Our Mother of Mercy (007-087-015)

Sagamore Hill School

Samuels Avenue Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Samuels Avenue Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Tarrant County Courthouse (096-069-001)

Unidentified house (090-094-001)

Samuels Avenue Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Kate McDonald, Archives at Alice Carlson School. 1986 (090-083-001)

Holly Water Plant, Fort Worth (007-087-015)

Captain E.M. Daggett (090-094-001)

Charles Turner and second wife (090-094-001)

M.O. Rife House, 3812 Monticello Drive (007-087-015)

Eddleman McFarland House, photo by Art Weinman

Unknown house

Sunset Terrace, Ridglea Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Rock Island refrigerator car with LaRoe Melons, 1913 (090-097-001)

Fort Worth march, 1929

Ridglea Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Matthew Jack Brinson (090-094-001)

Sheppard Award given to Joye Evetts (003-004-001)

Sinclair Gas Station, 4620 Camp Bowie (007-087-015)

Austin Patio Ranch, 2009 Anderson Gibson Road, Grapevine (090-096-001)

G.G. Williams, Archives at Alice Carlson School, 1986 (090-083-001)

Allen Log Cabin, White Settlement (090-097-001)

Fort Worth Livestock Exchange Building (007-087-015)

Oral historires tape (093-014-050)

Stockyards National Bank, 115 E Exchange (007-087-015)

DAR magazine, 1976 (096-026-050)

Holly Water Plant, Fort Worth (007-087-015)

C.B. Dagget (090-094-001)

Howard McPeak receiving the William Jary Award, 1988

Samuels Avenue Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

John Grant, Eula Bassenger Henderson, and Bill Young

Mama Florence and former slave Wilia Turner, age 104 years (090-094-001)

Sheppard Award given to Joye Evetts (003-004-001)

Mary Swayne, Alla Merrill, Cora Daggett, and Laura Hogsett (090-094-001)

2301 Medford Court W, 1991 (007-087-015)

Pat Downing using first crosswalk button in Fort Worth

Southwestern Bell installers, 1926

Ridglea Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Unidentified woman (090-094-001)

Samuels Avenue Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Sunset Terrace, Ridglea Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

TCHC Meeting, circa 1983 (090-089-001)

Lacy Courts, Lake Worth (007-087-015)

Fort Worth Medical College, 1896

White Swan window display

Team House, 1410 Mistletoe Drive, 1991 (007-087-015)

Texas Refinery, photo by Art Weinman

1724 W Broadus, 1991 (007-087-015)

Mrs. E.H. Beall, 1921

George M. Martin, 1888

Fort Worth Gethsemane Presbyteriam, 960 W Bluff (007-087-015)

Tom Lake (090-094-001)

North Fort Worth High School (007-087-015)

W.S. Matney windmill, 647 Samuels Avenue, circa 1900-1915 (090-099-001)

Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, 1880

North Fort Worth High School (007-087-015)

Sterling Paint, Ridglea Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Sundance Square

Pollock Capps House, photo by Art Weinman

Office scene, 1935

Fort Worth Stockyards Horse and Mule Barns (007-087-015)

Samuels Avenue Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Matthews Memorial Methodist, 2416 Berry Street, 1991 (007-087-015)

Bedford School, 5th grade, circa 1940s (007-018-001)

Fort Worth Medical College, 1895

E.B. Daggett residence (090-094-001)

Mosque Point (090-094-001)

Kitchen Queen Texas Baking Powder display

Van Zandt Cottage, Ridglea Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Ridglea Shopping Center, 6100 Camp Bowie (007-087-015)

Unknown school or church

Five Years Progress scan

William Milton Robinson (090-094-001)

Bevan House, 2501 Fifth Avenue, 1991 (007-087-015)

Lacy Courts, Lake Worth (007-087-015)

D.M. Fielders grocery store, Denton, Texas

Tarrant County Courthouse (096-069-001)

Law Office, photo by Art Weinman

Ridglea Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Texas Furniture Book (094-032-050)

Unknown store

Fort Worth Stockyards Coliseum (007-087-015)

Ridglea Theater, 6000 Camp Bowie (007-087-015)

North Hi Mount Elementary, W 7th Street (007-087-015)

Ridglea Neighborhood, photo by Art Weinman

Cora Daggett, later Mrs. K.V. Jennings (090-094-001)
Mansfield Cemetery
Mosier Valley Cemetery
House Anderson and Mosier Valley Roads Intersection & Looking East Down House Anderson Road (FIC-009-988)