

You may view a recorded version of the Orientation by clicking on the video below. 

Family Court Services Orientation provides an opportunity for parents to learn about what children need when families are involved in court. Orientation also helps parents learn what to expect from the family law court system.

All parents receiving services through Family Court Services are required to complete orientation. Others who are involved in a family law case but not currently receiving services through Family Court Services are welcome to participate in orientation. 

Once you have watched the video, you are required to take the Orientation Quiz. After you complete the quiz, you will receive an email with your certificate of completion. Be sure to provide a copy of your certificate to your attorney, and if you don’t have an attorney, please file a copy with the District Clerk on the third floor of the Family Law Center. 

The Orientation Survey is not mandatory, but we appreciate your feedback, so please take a moment to complete the survey. 

Previously Recorded 

Learn About The Court Process

Most parents have never been through the family court process before and certainly didn't plan to be in court with the other parent when their children were born. The Family Court Services Orientation will familiarize parents involved in a court case with the court process, review Family Court Services resources, explain options for learning to co-parent peacefully and provide information on how to help their children (and themselves) cope with their family crisis.


Gavel and baby pacifier

Understand What Your Children Need During this Time

What most damages children when a family is in crisis is not two households or even change. It has been proven that the most damaging thing a parent can do to their child is to remain in conflict with the other parent. Conflict is not just limited to disagreeing or fighting. Children suffer from internal conflict when they do not feel they can have a relationship with both parents.

Our Orientation explains more about the research on what children need from their parents during and after the court process. Our presenters will outline why it's important to co-parent and give you tools to learn and use good co-parenting skills.


Peace of Mind post sign