Joan Peterson Paulsen Collection

- Album, black, 11 by 8 inches, bound with cord. Twenty-seven pages, black paper, there are a few spaces with photos removed. Carruthers Field, Benbrook, Texas, 1918-1919, no identities given. Album assembled by donor's father, Anton Peterson (image shown is from album)
- Five images of plane crashes, two are 5 by 3 inches, three are 8 by 6 inches
- Composite 8 by 6 inches, portraits are numbered, small plane in center of composite, labeled: Carruthers Field
- Twenty aviators and machinists standing by plane in front of hanger, 8 by 6 1/4 inches
- Two aerial photographs, Carruthers Field, Benbrook
- Five photographs of Anton Peterson and his fellow soldiers, 4 by 6 inches
- Souvenir Folder of Fort Worth, mailed to Mrs. John Peterson, Braceville, Ill., Cover shows Fort Worth City Hall; verso is Paddock Viaduct looking south
- Enlistment Record, December 14, 1917, Certificate, August 5, 1918, signed by Edward H. Kendall, Honorable Discharge for Anton Peterson, March 29, 1919, by T. J. Hanley, of Honorable Discharge for: The Soldiers Friend, Chicago Herald and Examiner, copies
- Correspondence from donor to Tarrant County Archives