Vera Redding Collection

Summary: Donor's husband, B.C. Redding, had served as fire chief for the Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department and Mrs. Redding had served with the Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary. This collection pertains to the Fire Department, with some brief historical sketches on the origins of Smithfield and North Richland Hills.
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Fire Department Documents:
- Constitution and By-Laws of Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department, undated
- Constitution and By-Laws of Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department, with amended notes to reflect Smithfield's annexation by North Richland Hills, undated copy
- Log Book, spiral notebook, ink or pencil notations related to fire calls; first citation: January 12, 1955; last dated notation, July 5, 1957. In the back of the book is a list of names with phone numbers, and a list of names with notations of payments made.
- Minutes book, Smithfield Auxiliary of the Firemen's Club. February 5, 1953, to February 21, 1953. Minutes were chiefly related to a carnival sponsored by the Auxiliary.
- Smithfield, Texas Volunteer Fire Department -- list of Volunteer Firemen, undated. In pen, anotation was added "Charter members."
- Minutes of Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department, January 27, 1953
- List of contributors (with amount pledged) towards a fire truck, January 27, 1953, written on four pages of a notepad headed by "The Springfield Group."
- Stapled, machine copies of handwritten notes from steno pad, begun July 22, 1985, appearing to be a rough timeline of topics to explore and including in a history of Smithfield -- 12 pages. Note attached states original notebook retained by Mrs. Redding.
- Newspaper insert: News Tribune, Section 2, May 15, 1969, titled "Salute to Firemen." It contains articles on: Haslet, Richland Hills, Watauga, Saginaw, Haltom City, Justin, Newark, and Blue Mound.
- Small yellow notepad with handwritten notes of stories of "old timers"
- Six-page list on small white lined note pad paper of Smithfield Volunteer Fire Department members from early 1950's. There is a letter written on four pages of a small, yellow legal pad.
- List of Mayors and City Secretaries, from November 1950 through July 1980, handwritten on two pages of yellow legal pad. Included is a memo with dates concerning police department, with number of ordinances establishing office.
- "The Life of a Pioneer in Old Smithfield," typed manuscript, signed by Vera Redding. Subject: B. C. Redding, her husband
- Typed notes on Smithfield History, seven pages, appearing to be a portion of a longer piece.
- Newspaper clipping, May 21, 1954: "Smithfield Firemen Win in Association Pumper Race"
- Newspaper clipping, June 4, 1954, photograph of: Officers in the Smithfield Fire Department
- Black and white photo, 7.25 by 9 inches, mounted, of B. C. Redding, 1972
- Two 8 by 10 inch black and white photographs, undated, of Smithfield Fire Department. Names on back in pencil.
- Two 8 by 10 inch black and white photographs, undated, of men sitting beside Smithfield Fire Department truck. Identified on back.
- Two 8 by 10 inch black and white photographs of cab door on Smithfield Fire Department Fire Truck, No. 1. A plaque and a trophy are displayed on a running board.
- Two 3 by 5 inch black and white snapshots of "Old Red," the first fire truck, bought in 1953, in front of new fire hall. One shows Vera Redding and ladies from the Auxiliary.