Background and Purpose

Equity is the ongoing commitment to identifying, overcoming, and mitigating intentional and unintentional barriers created by systemic social constructs. Unlike equality, equity recognizes that people are different; our circumstances, lived experiences, and history are different. Building an equitable community requires the allocation of specialized resources and opportunities that can provide the foundation for marginalized groups to experience lifelong success and prosperity - today and in generations to come.

Racial equity is the intentional and continuous process of eliminating racial disparities through policy, practice, and system change. At their core, race and ethnicity are social constructs. They are neither biological nor scientific. It takes a highly committed community to rectify the damage caused by centuries of typifying and mistreating people groups, but before changes can be made, we must acknowledge and define the ways in which race and ethnicity have dictated or predicted a people group’s ability to thrive.

The TCUC has been tasked with the creation of an equity plan. The equity plan will measure racial disparities in Tarrant County for the purpose of reducting or eliminating health disparities and health inequities. It will provide the framework for the Health Equity team’s community focuses, change strategies, and outreach.

As the TCUC begins their work on the equity plan, the community is encouraged to share their stories, experiences and ideas regarding racial equity.

Share your story

Your input matters. Your lived experience matters. Your story matters.
Share your story, experiences, or ideas using the form below.